Obi  6.4
Unified particle physics for Unity
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Obi.ISolverImpl Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for Obi.ISolverImpl:

Public Member Functions

void Destroy ()
void InitializeFrame (Vector4 translation, Vector4 scale, Quaternion rotation)
void UpdateFrame (Vector4 translation, Vector4 scale, Quaternion rotation, float deltaTime)
void ApplyFrame (float worldLinearInertiaScale, float worldAngularInertiaScale, float deltaTime)
void ParticleCountChanged (ObiSolver solver)
void SetActiveParticles (int[] indices, int num)
void InterpolateDiffuseProperties (ObiNativeVector4List properties, ObiNativeVector4List diffusePositions, ObiNativeVector4List diffuseProperties, ObiNativeIntList neighbourCount, int diffuseCount)
void SetRigidbodyArrays (ObiSolver solver)
IConstraintsBatchImpl CreateConstraintsBatch (Oni.ConstraintType type)
void DestroyConstraintsBatch (IConstraintsBatchImpl batch)
int GetConstraintCount (Oni.ConstraintType type)
void GetCollisionContacts (Oni.Contact[] contacts, int count)
void GetParticleCollisionContacts (Oni.Contact[] contacts, int count)
void SetConstraintGroupParameters (Oni.ConstraintType type, ref Oni.ConstraintParameters parameters)
IObiJobHandle CollisionDetection (float stepTime)
IObiJobHandle Substep (float stepTime, float substepTime, int substeps)
void ApplyInterpolation (ObiNativeVector4List startPositions, ObiNativeQuaternionList startOrientations, float stepTime, float unsimulatedTime)
int GetDeformableTriangleCount ()
void SetDeformableTriangles (int[] indices, int num, int destOffset)
int RemoveDeformableTriangles (int num, int sourceOffset)
void SetSimplices (int[] simplices, SimplexCounts counts)
void SetParameters (Oni.SolverParameters parameters)
void GetBounds (ref Vector3 min, ref Vector3 max)
void ResetForces ()
int GetParticleGridSize ()
void GetParticleGrid (ObiNativeAabbList cells)
void SpatialQuery (ObiNativeQueryShapeList shapes, ObiNativeAffineTransformList transforms, ObiNativeQueryResultList results)
void ReleaseJobHandles ()

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