Obi  6.4
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Obi.ObiList< T > Class Template Reference
Inheritance diagram for Obi.ObiList< T >:

Public Member Functions

IEnumerator< T > GetEnumerator ()
void Add (T item)
void Clear ()
bool Contains (T item)
void CopyTo (T[] array, int arrayIndex)
bool Remove (T item)
int IndexOf (T item)
void Insert (int index, T item)
void RemoveAt (int index)
void SetCount (int count)
void EnsureCapacity (int capacity)


int Count [get]
bool IsReadOnly [get]
this[int index] [get, set]
T[] Data [get]

Detailed Description

Custom IList implementation that allows access to the underlying raw array, for efficient C++ interop. Also includes some auxiliar methods that make it easier and faster to send data back and forth between C# and C++, as well as deal with accesing the contents of the list directly without a copy.

Member Function Documentation

void Obi.ObiList< T >.SetCount ( int  count)

Ensures a minimal capacity of count elements, then sets the new count. Useful when passing the backing array to C++ for being filled with new data.

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